multiple regression - Q&A 2

Hi there,

it’s me again! Another question you might want to consider when performing multiple linear regression is…

How to decide which variables are important and which are not?

So after checking that there are some variables that are important and related to an outcome by using F-statistics we would like to determine which one of those might be. The concept of choosing what kind of variables is called variable selection. In general, we want to compare models that have a different set of variables and there are several criteria to conclude model fit, but I will come back to that someday. But what I would like to bring on today is selecting which models to verify, as all the possible models for p predictor is 2p in total. We have three approaches to that:

1. Forward selection – at the beginning we start with a null model, where are no predictors, just an intercept. Then we fit p simple linear regressions and pick that that results in the lowest RSS. Then we have our model with one selected variable and then we check p-1 two-variable models and again we select the one that has the lowest RSS. We might continue that until we will decide that the result is satisfactory.

2. Backward selection – here we start with all the variables in the model and we remove the variable with the largest p-value (as this variable is least statistically significant). Then we perform our model for p-1 variables and then again, we remove variable with the largest p-value. We continue until the results are satisfactory or e.g. all of the variables have p-value at some point.

3. Mixed selection – a combination of both listed before. We start with a model that has no variables and we add a variable that provides the best fit. We add variables one by one and simultaneously we check p-value for variables in our new models, and if p-value for the certain variable will rise above some fixed level we remove that variable for the model. We continue to execute these steps until all variables have p-value low enough and all variables that are not included in the model have a large p-value when they are in it.

Thank you for all the support!

